I’m a Parishioner

Greetings and a warm welcome to all parishioners of ROC Catholics Northwest! We are thrilled to have you as part of our vibrant community. As a parishioner, you play a crucial role in shaping and enriching our shared journey of faith.

About ROC Catholics Northwest

At ROC Catholics Northwest, we are more than just a parish — we are seven local parishes with a shared mission, guided by our unified beliefs and values. Our mission is to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where individuals and families can grow spiritually, connect with others, and actively contribute to the well-being of our community.

What’s Happening in Our Parish

  • Stay informed about the latest happenings in our parish! Check our calendar for details on Mass schedules, community gatherings, special celebrations, and more. Join us as we come together to worship, celebrate, and support one another.
  • Explore opportunities for spiritual growth and education within our parish. Whether you’re interested in Bible studies, catechism classes, or other religious education programs, we have resources to help you deepen your understanding of faith.

Get Involved

  • Discover the various ministries that make our community thrive. From choir and youth ministry to outreach programs, there’s a place for everyone to contribute their talents and passions. Get involved and make a positive impact!
  • Looking to give back to the community? Explore volunteer opportunities within our parish. Your time and skills are valuable, and your contributions can make a difference in the lives of others.
  • Connect with fellow parishioners and build meaningful relationships. Join us for social events, small groups, and gatherings that promote fellowship and a sense of belonging.

Thank you for being an essential part of ROC Catholics Northwest. Together, let’s continue to grow in faith, share in fellowship, and make a positive impact on our community.

Blessings, The ROC Catholics Northwest Team