I’m a Newcomer

A warm and heartfelt welcome to all newcomers joining the ROC Catholics Northwest community. We are excited to have you with us and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

About ROC Catholics Northwest

  • At ROC Catholics Northwest, we understand that starting something new can be both exciting and sometimes challenging. Our parish is committed to creating a welcoming and supportive environment where newcomers can feel at home and become an integral part of our faith family.

What to Expect

  • Embarking on a new journey can be filled with questions. Attend our newcomer orientation sessions to get acquainted with the parish, learn about our community, and meet fellow newcomers and friendly parishioners.
  • Look out for special welcome events designed just for newcomers. These gatherings provide an opportunity to connect with others, ask questions, and receive a warm welcome from our community.
  • Explore resources tailored for newcomers, including information on parish services, support systems, and ways to engage with the community. Our parish staff is here to assist you in navigating your new journey with us.
  • Connect with other newcomers by joining dedicated newcomer groups or programs. These groups provide a supportive space to share experiences, build connections, and make new friends within the parish.
  • Discover ways to get involved and contribute to the life of our parish. Explore volunteer opportunities that match your interests and skills, and become an active participant in our welcoming community.
  • Explore the various ministries within our parish and find ways to contribute your talents. From music and outreach to community service, there’s a place for you to make a positive impact.
  • Deepen your understanding of the Catholic faith through our faith formation programs. Whether you’re new to Catholicism or seeking to strengthen your spiritual journey, we offer resources to support your growth.

Contact Us

  • If you have questions, need assistance, or simply want to connect, our parish staff is here for you. Find contact information and feel free to reach out—we’re eager to assist you in making ROC Catholics Northwest your spiritual home.

Thank you for choosing ROC Catholics Northwest as your faith home. We look forward to walking this journey with you, embracing the joy of new connections, shared experiences, and spiritual growth.